Understand your life purpose

Ready for a Life-Changing Breakthrough?
Book a Full Hand Analysis Today!

live the life of your dreams in 3 steps

know your greatest talents, your exalted self.

understand your saboteurs and stress patterns in your hand that create suffering and aging

gain clarity how to breakthrough these pattterns fulfilling your life purpose.

I am a Master Hand Analyst from the International Institute of Hand Analysis.
My focus has been on understanding the power seen in their hands, how their trauma patterns showed in their hands, and how they broke through it. This provides a map to longevity and reverse aging.
This is explainable due to how the hand mirrors your brain's development and emotional stress patterns.
We are literally translating your nervous system to show you where you thrive and fulfill your life purpose.
I have studied the stress patterns and talents in the hands of 26,000 people.
I've read life patterns in the hands of Tony Robbins, Eminem, Richard Branson, Theological Advisor to the Pope, Keira Knightley, Beyonce, Gwen Stefani, and many more...
Your hands show your life blueprint and success patterns.
For 12 years, I validated this discovery that had already been established since the 1960s.
We can see not only that he is a movie director, but the kind of movies he makes! Now imagine what I can see in your hands. What are your dreams? And what is blocking you from breaking through?

American author, coach, speaker, and philanthropist
British Actress
The Theological Advisor to the Pope
Head Physicist of CERN

"Brent Bruning has a deep understanding of palmistry and the gift of being able to communicate useful insights to help people improve their lives."
Paul McKenna,
Best-selling author, Renowned Hypnotist

"Brent Bruning’s Shift process is equivalent to 3-years of psychotherapy. This is now opening a whole new field of anthropological and neurological research."
Dr. Urs Pohlman,
MD Neurologist, Ananne Founder

"Hand analysis demonstrates emotional/mental patterns that ultimately have huge impacts on physical health. It really is neuroscience!"
Dr. Jeannette Daneals,
ND Naturopathy

"There are things in Brent's hand reading that I definitely haven't discussed before.. and they are dazzlingly accurate."
Neil Strauss,
Best Selling Author

"How can someone know me without ever seeing me and describe my life in details with 99% accuracy. I am without words. This is fantastic!!"
Amaru Schenkel,
Olympic Runner

"Fascinating! My hand analysis with Brent was enlightening and so on point. He picked up precisely on key facets of my personality, life path, and soul journey.
Bernadette Logue,
Transformation Life Coach, The Daily Positive

"It was so fascinating to see how my soul’s journey was encoded in my hands. Not only is Brent amazing at clearly explaining this epigenetic system, but he was so committed to helping me truly understand my gifts and my shadow. I felt like I had a caring guide.
Tali Edut,
Astrologer, The AstroTwins